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“@context”: “http://schema.org”,
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“dateCreated”: “2020-04-21T06:00:05-03:00”,
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  1. Rostam Mir-Mohammed-Ullah
  2. Summary – Angels Are Made of Light is a movie starring Fazula, Hasiba, and Yaldash Mir-Habibullah. A dozen years after his Oscar-nominated Iraq in Fragments, American documentarian James Longley delivers a sweeping, profoundly compassionate
  3. tomatometer – 7,5 / 10 Stars
  4. Genre – Documentary
  5. Country – Norway

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Angels Are Made Of Light (2018)
Directed by
James Longley
Run Time – 117 min. |
Countries – Denmark, Norway, United States |
MPAA Rating – NR
AllMovie Rating
User Ratings ( 0)
Your Rating

Cast & Crew
Documentary filmmaker James Longley uses intimate, candid footage to tell the story of a group of Afghan students and their teachers struggling to maintain normalcy and champion education against the backdrop of civil unrest and political turmoil. The film follows Longley’s Oscar-nominated documentary, “Iraq in Fragments, ” in which Longley’s focus on the struggles of innocents in these communities lends them a new voice.
Afghanistan, children, civilian, hardships, school, social-issues, student, teacher, war.

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— 5
IMDb: 6. 90 (37)
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Angels Are Made of Light Angels Are Made of Light, 2018
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Зрители 55 023 978 534
Деньги 11 974 040 руб. 242 564 841
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Морские паразиты Sea Fever 30. 04
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God and his angels saved my life one night when my then boyfriend who I believe was possessed by a demon. He kidnapped me and took me on a torturous ride after he picked me up from work. He’s in prison now and till this day I will never know what caused him to become murderous. He let me know that I was going to die that night. Two hours of torture. There’s video surveillance of him dragging my unconscious body on the road and passed a gas station, he tried breaking both legs so I would stop trying to escape. He kept biting me like an animal. He punched my face until I was spitting out blood, he should have broken my ribs and legs by the strength he has but not one single broken bone. When he pulled out the knife, I lowered my head and made my peace with God. There’s a point where you realize you just cannot escape, outrun, outsmart a killer. I tried and bought two hours maybe more but time ran out. He taunted me, tapping my skull with the blade, I felt the knife on my side under my rib cage. it’s as if he knew I was speaking to God in my head. I had peace come over me and I accepted my fate. I was expecting to get stabbed until I bled out but something strange took place. He threw the car in reverse, threw the knife out the window as hard as he could and decided he wanted to kill both of us in a car crash. He was going to run my car into a cement wall at the highest speed possible, but the tank was empty. He said if I tried one more time to escape he would kill me on the spot. I knew I was going to try again but I gave him my word that I would not run. He pulled up to that gas station and when he got out I tried to close his door and lock it but he had the key and kicked my rib cage in and beat the heck out of me so bad again but I wasn’t done. This was my last chance and I was not going to stop trying to survive. I ran around the car after escaping his grip. this is where I believe God saved me. He could have grabbed me as I screamed he’s going to kill me! For the hundredth time and booked it for the inside store. I believe God or angels held him back so he couldn’t catch me. God heard my prayer. I ran behind the counter and sat down and my lips and cheeks were black and blue and swollen and so were my eyes I said he’s going to kill me as best as I could and as my boyfriend ran around to pull me out the man working the night shift stepped in and said no more and called police. I ended up in the trauma unit, he was taken to jail and later was given 50 years for a mess of felonies. He took a plea deal and must serve 8 years before being eligible for parole. My escape was nothing short of a miracle and I thank God that I am alive to tell my story of survival. For hours I tried escaping him but only when I cried out to God is when the impossible became my reality. I’ll never forget what this one police officer told me while I was on my back with a giant neck brace, I hadn’t seen my face or body yet, the officer told me that I look like I belong in a morgue and based on my drivers license he’s never seen someone survive such a brutal attack. It’s been 2 years now, I can eat solid foods again, the wounds closed and bruises have faded only scars remain and a case of PTSD which I am struggling with currently. My God he lives. He loves and he hears our prayers.

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I went through a spiritual crisis recently. i needed silence most of the time and couldn’t bear to listen to any of the music i love. except for this album. it was such an enormous comfort. i imagine there might be others listening while going through the same and i stand with you in solidarity. endless love to all of you kindred spirits, and thank you to the band for bravely and selflessly sharing your gifts with us. we may love doom, but doomed we are not.

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  • country UK
  • 317 votes
  • Genres Documentary
  • Directed by Denholm Hewlett

Being a long time Gorillaz fan and loving the Bananaz documentary I was really looking forward to seeing this film.
This documentary captures the recording and tours of Humanz and The Now Now.
I would have liked to have seen more behind the scenes studio content and less concert footage. Also found it frustrating only hearing 20 second snippets of their songs.
Highlights of the film include the version of Busted and Blue with Kelela and Albarn’s performance of Cloud of Unknowing.

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Reject False Icons is a film which is a real treat for fans of Gorillaz. In short, the film covers the making of “Humanz” and “The Now Now” while their Humanz Tour took place during 2017 and 2018. The entire film is shot in black/white, with some exceptions here and there. It gives a nice touch.
The film itself does not have any commentary or offers any, and as such, the movie goes on in showing highlights of their tour and composing of the albums. It’s really interesting to see how Damon and Jamie have worked a lot the past 20 years on Gorillaz, and if I am honest, the movie sparkled the light and made me remember why I love Gorillaz in the first place.
The band has become from a 3 man team to a full-fledged 100+ family. Gorillaz has become such a diverse band and has a criminal record of collaborations around the world. During the clips you saw while the album Humanz was made, you could see and feel the excitement of the entire team during production. They were on fire, had passion, and made the thing as good as it can be. It’s a bunch of people working on new projects, while the hyperrealistic nature of the 4 characters is always put first. The band is one of the best that are out there and just started after 2 people sat on a couch and said “Let’s make a band” intending to criticise the music industry with each of the characters resembling an oversaturation of a tribe.
The film included a lot of live performances from various albums and paid tribute to Ibrahim Ferrer (Latin Simone, also known for Buena Vista Social Club in Kuba. Bobby Womack (Stylo) which was one of the best moments in the film. It showed respects to so many talented people, everyone was treated equally and shown in the film at least thrice. There were a lot of unique artists being on stage and behind the scenes.
The film had some honourable mentions, including:

  • Damon sneezing on-stage, never happened to him once.
  • Him visiting a musical group which made their instruments out of reusable material, and got handed a custom made violin
  • Him screaming into the camera like a madman and playing a banana like a saxophone afterwards
  • The Now Now took only 5 weeks and was recorded during the break of the Humanz tour

As of their tour, they have performed 96 times over 2 years and played music as high as over a week worth.
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User Rating: 9,2 of 10 Stars
Directed by: Tony Grech-Smith
Actors: Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Review: National Theatre Live: Fleabag is a movie starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge. A rip-roaring look at some sort of woman living her sort of life. With family and friendships under strain and a guinea pig cafe struggling to keep afloat
Love her. Guess Im going to have to check out “Fleabag” now.

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Amazing. one of the best of the interviews. even being rehearsed tracee made it look natural almost all of the time. great.
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Searching online for a ticket to a screening of National Theatre Live: All About Eve (2019-also reviewed) I looked on the official NT site. Whilst going down the list of screenings,I saw a coming soon ad for Fleabag. With me and a friend both being fans of the TV series,I got two tickets (and at 20 each,most expensive cinema tickets I’ve ever gotten! for her birthday,which we celebrated by seeing the beginnings of Fleabag.
View on the film:
Initiating the events which would lead to the TV series after she challenged her friend to write a sketch for a 10-minute section in a stand-up storytelling night, director Vicky Jones enhances the details giving in the production with a excellent, subtle use of sound,ringing in from the sound of bells ringing from a door opening and chatter in a pub, to the moans off videos on XXX sites,and the chilling noise of a distressed animal, all bringing out a fuller dimension to Fleabag’s words.
Dressed starkly minimal on a empty set with one chair and the odd flashing light above to represent a Tube/taxi ride home, Jones uses the cameras offered in NT Live to bring a outstanding cinematic element to the production, switching camera angles from left to right when Fleabag re-enacts conversations she has had, and holding close-ups for the moment Fleabag drops her guard.
The lone figure to be on stage for the entire time, Phoebe Waller-Bridge gives an incredibly expressive, subtle performance as Fleabag. Working without the option of talking to camera in the middle of scenes as in the TV series, Waller-Bridge draws up everyone else in Fleabag’s life with funny changes in vocal tone and facial expressions.
Stringing along a stream of consciousness made up of brilliant recollections to short-term sexual relationships and disastrous conversations, Waller-Bridge delicately tears Fleabag’s shield of jokes to the raw pain laying underneath from the death of her best friend Boo,leading to a utterly chilling revelation over when Fleabag snapped.
Making it clear to see why this got picked to become a series, the screenplay by Waller-Bridge bases the jokes on being incredibly descriptive, hitting the hilarious punch-lines on each detail of the friends,lovers,and family she picks open,in the early life of Fleabag.

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🎤 He’s a tramp, but I love him, breaks a new heart every day 🎼.
I didnt even notice gloria estefan was there until i read the comments. emilia and phoebe take all the light.

Best story I’ve ever heard in my life. Thank you for existing phoebe Waller bridge.

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Honestly, if it wasn’t for my brother actually wanting to see this film, I would have been hard pressed to actually get out of my seat, walk down to the cinemas, and waste two hours of my life watching this rubbish. Yeah, that is basically what this movie was, a waste of two hours, plus the half hour spent walking to the cinema and back again – that is time that I am never going to get back again.
Surely, surely, surely they have beat enough out of the Transformer’s bandwagon by now, so that they don’t actually have to go back to the beginning and start going some prequels. Yeah, that is basically what this film is, a prequel. Honestly, the first Transformers movie was pretty good, and they pretty quickly went down hill from there, to the point that if I were to see another Transformers movie hit the screens, I’ll do my best not to go and watch it, and try to remember how much of a waste of time the whole endeavour is.
So, what was it that I didn’t like about it – well, it was pretty much more of the same, a lot more of the same. There is really nothing in these films that differentiate them from each other. In fact, all of the ones after the first two have sort of morphed into some unimaginable blur, though I do know there was one where Chicago was smashed up, and another where Hong Kong was smashed ups, and I believe there was a third one as well which I know absolutely nothing about.
Should I say any more about this film, maybe what it is about. Probably not because, honestly, I am really wasting my time here even trying to convince you not to actually watch this film. Hopefully, if I don’t convince you, then there will be plenty of other reviews that pretty much say exactly the same thing as this one, though possibly shorter.

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Rated 4.8/5
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User Rating: 7,6 / 10 Stars /
Release Year: 2019 /
1hour, 56Min /
Story: Seventeen-year-old Stella spends most of her time in the hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries and self-control all of which get put to the test when she meets Will, an impossibly charming teen who has the same illness. There's an instant flirtation, through restrictions dictate that they must maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the temptation to throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction. Love has no boundaries /
country: USA /

The one dislike is barb.
Ok well Im going off topic here But does anyone else notice that he has a little Zack and Cody in him 🤔 Unrelated and probably just me.
Cole: i die me, watching in 2020: wait. we’ve known for two years and haven’t even noticed.
The movie is beautiful, quiut, is perfet.
“I do like doing things” -Haley.

When everyone wants movies to become their reality but don’t specify what movies. so now we’re all stuck 6 feet apart.

Cole: I dont have friends Me: I WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND. ♥️.
Cole is so cute I love him so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.


The problem with now owning this movie is that I can watch it as many times as I want guilt free. and that’s exactly what’s going to happen. lol Now I own both digitally.
I think Cole is cute and hot, love watching his interviews😍.

Cole: it has CoMPleteLY backfired on me cole: stares at camera intensely

Him: Give us a TINY clue you dont have to bu- Cole: I dIe. Fans. well

I have never cried in a movie before but I balled my eyes out in this. This movie is fantastic and is my favorites that I have seen this year. The characters are relatable and lovable, the music is perfect. The humor is natural feeling and adds the the overall atmosphere of the movie. The acting is freaking perfect and unlike anything I have seen Cole sprouse do. 20/10 would recommend.

Always making me cry.

“Who shot this boy” “Who shot this boi” Hes literally Ben copying Rachel 20 years later.

Its an amazing teen love movie. If you’re sensitive, geez being napkins, a lot. Even if you rarely cry watching movies, this one might touch your heart. pay attention to the movie and place yourself on a persons place cystic fibrosis. very sad but 100% recommended.

I dont care what anyone says about this I loved the entire film

Nothing last forever 😞.

Its funny because Jughead realy died.

Ok so when he was scratching his head I vividly starting remembering when he scratched his head during the time of suite life on an interview for something but omggg😭😭🥺.
“I die” – Cole Sprouse Season 4 – he predicts the future.


I loved this film💓. It made me cry so much tho and I was kind of upset that they never really got to be together😭😭. I think they would make a really cute couple in real life ❤️❤️😩.
Me: eats cake Also me: for 27 years Ive dreamt of you I craved you I missed you.



Studio 54 – The Documentary Free DVD5 english subtitle Part 1 Streaming Online






History, Documentary /
Matt Tyrnauer /
average Rating: 7,4 of 10 Stars /
Runtime: 98Minutes.
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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2019 Verified Purchase I’ve seen many documentaries on Studio 54. This version has lots of unseen footage & new interviews. Ian Schrager tells his story in this Docu & some things I’ve been unaware of, are told here. I recommend this version of Studio 54: The Documentary. (2019)
Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2019 Verified Purchase This was an interesting recounting of Studio 54 during its heyday (which, for all its fame and notoriety, lasted not quite two years). It’s main benefit was that it offers the first extensive interview with one of the co-founders of Studio 54, Ian Schrager (the other was the late Steve Rubell). Mr. Schrager’s remembrances are interesting and his affection for Mr. Rubell is quite touching. Schrager does seem reluctant to discuss some of the seamier aspects of Studio 54 and the reasons why he and Mr. Rubell fell from grace, which eventually sent them to prison and shuttered Studio 54. The background of how Mr. Schrager and Mr. Rubell met and how Studio 54 came into being is interesting. However, it might have been even more interesting if more of of the celebrity denizens of 54 had been interviewed also. Several years ago, VH1 had a documentary on Studio 54 that was actually better than this one, although it did not have Mr. Schrager’s extensive commentary. What made VH1’s documentary more interesting are the interviews with people who actually went to 54 and were willing to discuss the sleazy ambience and the decadence that was played out every night on the dance floor and around the club (especially the infamous balcony). Even more interesting was a humorous/not humorous segment interviewing the people who were rejected time and again in their attempt to get past Mark Benecke, Studio 54’s notorious doorman and gatekeeper. All in all, though, this is a pretty good documentary with a soundtrack of some of the disco songs that were popular at the club. It brought back to this viewer some very good memories.
Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2019 Verified Purchase I have watched movies and other documentaries. I was happy to see stories told from the actual part owner and employees. I also loved all the real photos that were used. Amazing, amazing, amazing!! Watch it!
Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2019 Verified Purchase Interesting documentary where we get to actually hear from Ian Schrager himself, regarding his memories of co-owner Steve Rubell as well as his involvement in and experience with the infamous disco.
Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2019 Verified Purchase I honestly expected it to be more about the famous 70’s icons that frequented the place and what went on back then. A little back story on the owners-but not the entire film.
Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2019 Verified Purchase This was “THE” place to be during the Disco Era. I loved Disco music and still do. This documentary gives you glimpses into the rise and fall of the one place where everyone was accepted and everyone wanted to be there. Loved every minute of it.
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2019 Verified Purchase disorder and chaos in this meek and mild documtenry, only works if you knew or filmed this bad looks likea party but instead of showing the A list clients it focuses on the fate of the drug dealing owners.
Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2019 Verified Purchase Tried to get this video to play several times during my 48 hour window. It never worked and now I’m out $5+ bucks.

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His acclaimed documentary recently played as part of the IDA screening series.
Except for the lucky few who entered the legendary nightclub on New York’s 54th Street, most people’s impressions of Studio 54 come from newspaper photographs and an extremely fictionalized 1998 movie. But director Matt Tyrnauer opens the doors to the general public with his new documentary, “Studio 54. ”
Tyrnauer told the crowd after a showing of his film at the International Documentary Association’s annual screening series that “in a way, it’s the most-told story but it’s the least-told story. ”
Studio 54 may have produced iconic pictures and made headlines for years (both during its ultra-exclusive heyday and after, when owners Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager went to prison for tax evasion), but few know the real story. Rubell died in 1989, and Schrager hadn’t spoken about it publicly — until Tyrnauer’s film.
The filmmaker, who is also a Vanity Fair correspondent, interviewed Schrager for a story about one of his hotels (Schrager and Rubell had begun working in hotels before the latter’s death). Years later, Schrager agreed to speak to him about his time at Studio 54. Tyrnauer interviewed him on and off for a year, and said he was “a dream as an interview subject. ”
“I thought he was a superstar from day one, ” Tyrnauer said. With Schrager involved — plus never-before-seen 16mm footage one of his producers tracked down that a group of NYU students had filmed for a project they never made — Tyrnauer knew he had the makings of a truly unique film.
“Studio 54” Ian Schrager (r) and Steve Rubell outside Studio 54. Photo Credit: Photofest. STUDIO 54. A film by Matt Tyrnauer. A Zeitgeist Films release in association with Kino Lorber.
One thing he knew he didn’t want to include in it: too much disco music. The soundtrack is almost anti-disco, save for a few judicious uses of iconic disco tracks. (Tyrnauer got real playlists from the club so the only disco the film includes are songs actually played there. ) The other rule: No celebrities.
“I didn’t want it to be the celebrity rap session, sex drugs and disco gloss film, ” Tyrnauer said. “I made a resolution to myself — no celebrities — early on, which was controversial with the producer. ”
He thought the stars would overshadow other remarkable scenes, like Jane Pauley interviewing Rubell when a young Michael Jackson walked in, and his other star, Schrager. “I had Ian Schrager. No one ever had Ian Schrager before, so I wanted him to be the star of the film in that way. ”
While the film is a more comprehensive look at Studio 54 than ever seen before, Tyrnauer said that he actually views it as a buddy movie more than anything else.
“It’s a marriage movie, really. It’s about this unlikely couple, ” he said — Schrager and Rubell. With the end of ’70s decadence and liberation and the beginning of the ’80s and the onset of the AIDS crisis, the story of Studio 54 is “one of the darkest tragedies imaginable. ”
The IDA Documentary Screening Series brings some of the year’s most acclaimed documentary films to the IDA community and members of industry guilds and organizations. Films selected for the Series receive exclusive access to an audience of tastemakers and doc lovers during the important Awards campaigning season from September through November. For more information about the series, and a complete schedule, visit IDA.
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As kids, they escaped a UFO death cult. Now, two adult brothers seek answers after an old videotape surfaces and brings them back to where they began.
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Wow! Amazing Movie guys! Just Wow! Greetings from Sweden.

So this has to be one of the cooler films I’ve seen recently. Its about two brothers Aaron and Justin, that escaped from a cult that believed a UFO was coming to take them away, and knowing how these things usually turn out, Justin decides to take his little bro away and escape. Now a decade later, life hasn’t been easy, and after receiving an eerie message in the mail from a member they used to know, speaking of ‘the end’ the brothers decide to see whats been happening or changed. And what they find is pretty incredible. One of those flicks I’d rather not spoil to much because it was really really good. A pretty awesome sci fi story, with great writing and directing, by the stars themselves: Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead! Lovers of science fiction and good story telling watch this movie! Filmbufftim on FB.

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Imagine reliving the same 3 seconds for the rest of eternity…
Lulled back into what seems like the safe world of a cult, this had a deep dark underlying mystery. Really enjoyed all the slowly growing cult oddities and twists.
Far more subtle and better than Midsomer. br>
If you like mystery, sci-fi, suspense and horror at a clever slow pace this is for you.

This is why I watch your videos. Like they said I understand the movie more than what I originally would have on my own. The way you look deeper into the movies and explain them is amazing.
This was an alright start for these new filmmakers, who were also the two leads. In the process of writing, directing, acting, editing, catering, and whatever else those two did for this film, I’m sure they learned some valuable lessons that will contribute to their future careers. Hopefully thise careers will be assisting others in successful, well thought out productions that they do not have ultimate control over. Interesting premise, but every other part of this film was terrible.
I liked the moon clock scene! It was very close and I think oddly satisfying.
I don’t think it’s real time loops I think it’s actually computer simulations, that’s why you have to die first before you get stuck there; the entity is killing off the original you, replacing you with a digital copy. For instance, a new person has to be there until the three full moons occur this could just be the upload time needed for copying a person’s conciseness to the entity’s ‘database.

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I thought it was very familiar but i didnt remember that movies name (Resolution that is. Also a very good one. I have probably seen almost every good movie of this kind but i found a new gem for me in Infinity Chamber. Its getting hard to find stuff for me tho,glad i found this one.
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Ive seen all three films. they are awesome! keep making more.

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The endless alone make dc a better constructed universe than the mcu. the deep philosophical and existential concepts conveyed through the dark ones are so deeply profound and enigmatic that it make you question evrythying that u have done and will do in your life in good is a genius.

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Loop, but but with a few qualifications. To be 19 and have the love of a beautiful woman.
A small demo how to read a text file endless
This is a Demo to read a text file. It use the nodejs module Chokidar from Paul Miller
How it work
The FSWatcher collects the file for watching. If the event add is received it create a EndlessStreamReader that pipe to an ConsoleStreamWriter.
const FSWatcher = require ( ‘ chokidar ‘). FSWatcher;
const fsWatcher = new FSWatcher ({
alwaysStat: true});
const writer = new ConsoleStreamWriter ();
// map with the all file for watching
const _cache = {};
fsWatcher. on ( ‘ add ‘, ( pathname, stats) => {
const reader = new EndlessStreamReader (pathname, stats);
reader. pipe (writer);
_cache[pathname] = reader;}). on ( ‘ change ‘, ( pathname, stats) => {
const reader = _cache[pathname];
if (reader) {
reader. onChanged (stats);}});
// add the file for watching
fsWatcher. add ( ‘. / ‘);
Copyright 2017 BlieSkyFish
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this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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Rip. That monster at the end was 1-pumped for 220 in the forehead 😂😂😂 #feelsbadman.
I liked the part where the mother swims through the air in charlies brothers room.
In this movie’s defense I only made it to the halfway the second half redeems it, but I doubt it. I’ve watched enough movies that had a similar pacing, tone and feel to this movie and I regretted finishing them because they went nowhere. Not this time biatch.
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The monster kinda reminded me if the demogorgon.
I can’t get the immage out of my head of the mom sawing her own head off with a string. Holy shit this movie is gold id watch it a thousand times even if I do get ptsd from it lol.

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I just realized after 7 months that all their names start with a D

Well that film was click bait.
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Loved watching this. The film was brilliant.
Seeing this one and Midsommar so close, both have their moments. More shocked with Midsommar. This ending was quite the twist though.
Benoit Mandelbrot wrote his autobiography and put his name as Benoit B Mandelbrot. When asked what the B in the middle stood for, he replied, “it stands for Benoit B Mandelbrot”.
I’m here after I watched the trailer for A Quiet Place II just to review the film. Lmao.
Delirium was Delight before she went nuts.
Exactly my DMT experience but different colours.
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It’s like a good old ketamine trip.
You should see ( nameja gredzens ) the pagan king it’s very good movie but nobody knows about it.

That monster in the paper looks like The Darkness from the Cthulhu mythos


The Endless

8.5 out of 10 stars –
297 votes

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